Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Giving a Hedgehog a Bath

Sometimes you might find it necessary to give a hedgehog a bath. Maybe he got dirty from his self anointing habits, maybe you let him play in the yard and he got into something, maybe you just want a bonding experience with your little guy, maybe he is grumpy and someone told you that giving him a bath would make him more friendly.

Here is how I give my hedgehogs baths. I get the water in the sink (I use the bathroom sink) warm. Never give them a cold bath, it might make them sick. Bring your hedgehog to the sink and gently set him in. Most of the time they will run around frantically trying to get out. I use my hand and gently pour the water over his back. Alternately you could hold the hedgehog under the running water, or you could also let the sink fill up to belly high on the little guy (or gal) Don't let the water get too high though or you might accidentally drown him. I don't normally use soap on my guys but a very gentle oatmeal based pet shampoo might be acceptable. Put a drop of mineral oil on his back after his bath. This will condition his skin and not let him get dry skin. It also serves to keep his gut system running nicely if he does actually lick any of it. Dry him off in a little towel and put him back in his cage.

That's my system for bathing a hedgehog!